Legal Status

Legal Status

  1. The organization has got registration under west Bengal Society Registration Act vide their registration no. S/2626 of 1956-57 and it is regularly renewed and last renewal date on 17.08.2016.
  2. The organization has got registration from Govt. of India to received foreign fund vide their registration No. 147040111, last renewal completed on 03.08.2016 which is valid from 01.11.2016 for next five years.
  3. The organization has got 12A registrations from Income Tax Department of Govt. of India to get donation vide their order No. CIT-KOL-XVIII/Tech./u/s, 80G-11/2003-2004/432.
  4. The organization is registered under 80G Act of Income Tax Department of Govt. of India to get donation vide their order No. CIT-KOL-XVIII/Tech./ 80G/11/08-09/1232-1235.
  5. The organization has got license under the West Bengal Women’s and Children’s Institution (Licensing) Rules, 1958 with no 2155 dtd. on 20.02.2014.
  6. The organization has got affiliation as service provider by “Women and Children Development and Social Welfare Dept” abiding the rules “Domestic Violence Act-2005”.
  7. The organization has got approval from “The West Bengal Tax on Professions, Trades, Callings and Employments Act 1979”.
  8. The organization has TAN and PAN  as per “Income Tax Act 1961.”

What We Do

Kajla Janakalyan Samity has grown into a vibrant organization working with a range of people across multiple sectors.

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Education Program

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Education Program

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Health Program

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Health Program

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Child Protection Program

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Child Protection Program

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Natural Resource Management Program

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Natural Resource Management Program

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Women Empowerment Program

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Women Empowerment Program

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Disaster Risk Reduction Program

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Disaster Risk Reduction Program

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