
Keeping in mind the present socio-economic condition KJKS has set the following objectives :

1. To form different teams/organizations out of the different relatively deprived and poor people to initiate comprehensive development action programs leading to self-reliance.

2. To promote education amongst the villagers, to create awareness, motivating them to gain strength to fight against ignorance, superstition, poverty, exploitation, discrimination, and deprivation.

3. To develop leadership quality amongst the poor and marginalized people by incapacitating them to initiate action towards development for sustainable livelihood through various income generation programs on agriculture and allied agriculture program, livestock husbandry program and small scale entrepreneurs like glossary shop initiating, puffed rice making etc.

4. To facilitate the empowerment of the rural women and gender equality enabling them to participate in decision-making processes within the family and at all levels of the society.

5. To do networking & advocacy at local, district, state as well as national level on burning issues for the fulfillment of basic needs of poor people.

6. To promote organic farming and environmental education for protecting environment from pollution and degeneration/degradation.

7. To create several action-oriented programs for ensuring child rights.

8. To develop alternative integrated subjective model based on local resource, knowledge, and skill.

9. To form a strong network of CBOs and likeminded organizations for generating mass awareness, lobbying and advocacy on relevant developmental issues and Child Rights.

What We Do

Kajla Janakalyan Samity has grown into a vibrant organization working with a range of people across multiple sectors.

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Education Program

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Education Program

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Health Program

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Health Program

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Child Protection Program

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Child Protection Program

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Natural Resource Management Program

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Natural Resource Management Program

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Women Empowerment Program

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Women Empowerment Program

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Disaster Risk Reduction Program

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Disaster Risk Reduction Program

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